Coastal Plains Milksnakes

Lampropeltis trianglum temporalis

General coastal plains milk info

Saint Mary’s County, Maryland

Saint Mary’s temporalis are the most classic in appearance of Coastal Plains Milksnakes and likely the most sought after line of temporalis in the hobby. Most animals originate from the extreme southern edge of Saint Mary’s county. My line originates from the same patch of woods on the southeastern coast of Saint Mary’s county near the town of Dameron. These are some of my favorite snakes to look for in the wild, and some of the most variable phenotypes in the Triangulum complex.

Calvert County, Maryland

The line of Calvert county animals are the founder stock of the T+ albino animals in the hobby. Calvert animals are drastically different than Saint Mary’s in that they look much more like Eastern milks than temporalis from Saint Mary’s or the eastern shore. I am currently working with the T+ line but am looking for normal Calvert animals to add to the collection.

Worcester County, Maryland

I am currently working with a small group of animals from Worcester County. These are my favorite local of temporalis. As I continue to grow my group I will provide updates, however, I don’t anticipate releasing any animals form this line until 2026.


Coming soon